Employee engagement

Possible titles:
The hidden reasons for employee engagement
From Red-Light to Green-Light
Master your communication – elevate your infouence
Building team spirit and a bigger WE
You get the colleagues you de-SERVE
We know that employee engagement overall is too low in many countries. A minority feels really motivated and engaged, happy to come to work and perform at their best. On the other end of the scale you have the saboteurs who spread their poison and make everyone around them feel miserable. They will decrease the overall productivity by a third if they are left to their own actions.
So how can your organization increase peoples’ positive feelings toward your workplace? How can you boost collaboration and elevate the motivation? The key is in how you and your colleagues communicate with each other.
In Antoni’s keynotes, you will get insights on:
• Why teams and organizations get stuck on the wrong level of engagement
• What the best teams do to outperform the rest.
• Where Gallup is right – and wrong – in their analyses of employee engagement
• Why your brain traffic light need to be green, to be productive, creative and constructive
• Why people are like popcorn
• How civility trumps rudeness every day of the week
• Up to 20 Communication insights and concrete tips
• The three superpowers of communication and how they are real game changer• Up to 20 Communication insights and concrete tips
This keynote is suitable for main stage performances. The audience are both leaders and team members who want to get insights and an energy boost.